Thursday, 2 March 2017

Do You Believe In Ghosts?

Thing 2 is a character.  At just over two and a half years, she blows my mind every day with something she says or does.  Just the other day she informed me that a wooden puzzle piece she found on the floor in our bedroom "belongs downstairs".  Belongs? Where did she pick that up from.  I'd expect something more along the lines of "this goes downstairs", but "belongs"? She slays me.

So, did you ever have an imaginary friend growing up? I never did, so I don't know if kids actually see something that others can't.  But what if those friends aren't imaginary?  What if some kids are simply clairvoyant and are talking and playing with a ghost of some sort?  It is widely believed, by those who believe in the paranormal, that kids are more sensitive to such things.

Now I'm not really here to get into a big conversation about the existence of ghosts, it's just a thought.  It's also a segue into Thing 2's friend Charlie. Now Charlie, according to my daughter, is a ghost.  She sees lots of ghosts, but Charlie is the mainstay.

None of these ghosts are malevolent, mind you.  It's usually just Charlie who hangs around in her closet most of the time.  But every night, we have to tell Charlie (and sometimes others) to go home before she goes to bed.  We have to ask her where he is in her room and speak to him directly saying, "Charlie, time to go home to your mommy.  It's time for supper. See you tomorrow!". After which, she goes promptly to sleep.

In the morning, usually 13 to 14 hours later, she will come down and announce that she had a "big, big nap" and "No bad dreams".  Now if we forget to show Charlie the door, Thing 2 always seems to have bad dreams.  

Coincidence?  I think not.

So last week, Charlie accompanied us all on a hike in the woods.  The terrain was muddy because of the big snow melt and still a bit icy in places.  Thing 2 was holding my hand as Thing 1 held my wife's. Thing 2's other hand held Charlie's. When we came to a spot where we had to step over a fallen tree, she informed me that she couldn't hold my hand because she had to hold Charlie in her arms to help him over...

They didn't make it and they fell face-first into a pile of mud.

Thanks a lot, Charlie.

Hey look at that, I didn't make up a word today.  Good for me.